Odin Development Compass
The ODC (Odin Development Compass) is a tool that taps into the unconscious to reveal your true self.
After 10 minutes you’ll discover your natural strengths, unconscious drives and valuable potential that may currently be hidden.
It begins with a simple online questionnaire. Unlike traditional questionnaires, which are limited by conscious self-reporting and language interpretation, the ODC combines images and words to identify the unconscious elements of your personality, behaviour and potential.
It’s very easy to complete. For example, rather than a long list of questions, you’ll see an image of eight archetypal figures. Some will naturally appeal to you, others won’t. Then, from a selection of 24 skills, you choose 10 which suit you best. Life is more satisfying when you’re working with natural strengths, and you probably have more than you realise. Find out more about ODC for individuals

ODC Applications
On average, we use just 65% of our talent. The remaining 35% is a wasted opportunity. Imagine being able to use every ounce of your natural abilities.
The ODC (Odin Development Compass) gives you a clear, complete picture of natural strengths and skillsets, helping you uncover a rich seam of untapped potential.
In team situations, this online tool is invaluable. You can bring the right individuals together, creating a team of people who collaborate effortlessly and work to their maximum strengths. At the same time, you will gain valuable insights to avoid potential pitfalls.
At individual level, the ODC measurement is equally effective. It can be used for leadership development, executive coaching and individual coaching at every level of an organization. Find out more about ODC for individuals and ODC for organizations.
The ODC measurement is a quick, accurate way to reveal the best in yourself, and in your people.
ODC for organizations
The ODC measurement gives coaching and consultancy firms much-needed, quick insight into the key strengths of teams and individuals.
It helps them give better-informed advice.
The ODC measurement tool can be used in every layer of an organization, from management to individual leaders and team members.
Thanks to the ODC measurement, coaching organizations have saved 30% to 40% of the time normally taken to complete the coaching process.
Additionally, the coaching itself is significantly more effective. You can quickly identify obstructions that the individual may be unaware of, and reveal hidden potential that would be difficult to spot using traditional models.
The ODC measurement is intensely valuable to HR consultancy firms, executive search agencies or strategic consultancy firms.
It’s a quick, meticulously accurate way to gain deep insights into natural strengths, untapped potential and development opportunities
The measurement tool is available as an in-company system, which is particularly useful for organizations that want to implement the ODC measurement for all employees.
HR advisors can be trained in the ODC application and take care of the feedback themselves. Find out more about training.
System Integration
The ODC software system can be expanded or adapted to suit your own organization’s needs.
For example, it could be that you want to use the measurement tool for large groups, for team-casting or for a specific process.
ODC for individuals
When you’re at a crossroads in your life or career, the ODC (Odin Development Compass) helps you move confidently in the right direction.
Imagine being able to answer these questions with true personal insight:
- Does my work really suit me?
- Which tasks give me energy? And which ones drain my energy?
- I run into the same obstacles in every job. How can I break this pattern?
- Which leadership qualities do I have?
- How do I learn? Which type of education suits me best?
- How can I become fitter and healthier, and prevent burn-out?
The ODC can help you answer these questions and many others. Unlike traditional methods, the ODC measurement uses a series of words and images to tap into your unconscious drives. By doing so, it gives an unusually rich insight into both the conscious and unconscious elements of your personality, behaviour and potential.
We all have things that come easily to us because they chime with our natural strengths. Other things take up a great deal of time and energy, and may even cause unhappiness.
The ODC helps you focus on what comes naturally – and discover new skills and opportunities you never knew were there.